Sensational Split Squats

Probably one of the best lower body exercises is the split squat.


Notice in the picture that the front knee is over top the ankle and the back knee has a nice bend to it. The biggest mistake I see is the front knee going way past the toes and creating a difficult angle for the knee, and a lot of stress to get out of the position. Also, I see the back knee often completely straight. This causes strain on that quad leading to a vulnerable position of the hip. The front knee needs to be in line with your second toe when you are squatting. This ensures that the knee is aligned properly and decreases stress to the joint.

In the picture, notice how our athlete’s shoulders are positioned over her hips. Her core is tight and she is not leaning to either side. Her back is neutral allowing her to engage her glutes into action. I often see people leaning forward, which indicates a weak core, or sloppy form.

The most important take home message about the split squat is to ensure that your glutes are engaged. The leg that is out in front is doing the work. The back leg is there simply for balance. Stay planted on your front foot, not allowing yourself to go onto your toes. The back foot will always stay on your toes throughout the exercise. Push up through your front foot, using your glutes and hamstrings. Your quads will work, that’s easy to feel, make sure you pay attention to your posterior muscles. If you are in the correct balance and position, you will not feel an incredible stretch in that back quad.

In the picture you can see our athlete has the weight in one hand (this is the correct hand to carry one weight in). You can also carry a weight in each hand or have a bar across your back. You can increase the stability by placing a BOSU ball under either foot, or both! You can use a medicine ball to lift over your head or twist to the side of the front leg. There are many ways to vary this exercise and make it more exciting and challenging. Mix up the routine so your muscles don’t get used to it.

For more exercise options, book an appointment with one of our personal trainers today.

Jen Mark BSc., CAT(C), CSCS
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