All Round Great Core Work!

Side plank while working the glutes - make sure the hip is in extension to ensure activation.

Side plank while working the glutes – make sure the top hip is in extension to ensure activation.

In my last post, I talked about not doing crunches to spare the lumbar spine from unnecessary load.  We talked about other exercises that are great for core stability.

The above picture is another exercise that involves almost the entire body.

To make the exercise more difficult, use your hand instead of elbow on the bottom.

Side Plank

You will be surprised how many people have difficulty even just lifting their leg up while in the side plank.  In time, most people will be able to accomplish this and get more abduction and extension.

Have fun! Enjoy making your core muscles stronger and your pelvis stable!

Let us know if you have tried this and what successes you had.

Jen Mark BSc., CAT(C), CSCS
Athletic Therapist